Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Contour of the Yantra

Every YANTRA is closed in from the exterior by a line or a group of lines forming its perimeter. These margin lines have the function to maintain, contain and prevent the loss of the magical forces represented by the core structure of the YANTRA, usually the central dot. They have the function to increase its magical and subtle force.The core of the YANTRAis composed of one or several simple geometrical shapes :dots, lines, triangles, squares, circles and lotuses representing in

The dot, BINDU signifies the focalized energy and its intense concentration. A kind of energy deposit which can in turn radiate energy under other forms. The dot is usually surrounded by different surfaces, either a triangle, a hexagon, a circle etc. These forms depend on the characteristic of the deity or aspect represented by the YANTRA. The BINDU is symbolically considered to be SHIVA himself, the source of the whole creation.
The Tiangle ,TRIKONA
The triangle (TRIKONA) is the symbol of SHAKTI , the feminine energy or aspect of Creation. The triangle pointing down represents the YONI , the feminine sexual organ and the symbol of the supreme source of the Universe, and when the triangle is pointing upwards it signifies intense spiritual aspiration, thesublimation of one's nature into the most subtle planes and the element of fire AGNI TATTVA . The fire is always oriented upwards, thus the correlation with the upward triangle - SHIVA KONA.
On the other hand, the downward pointing triangle signifies the element of water which always tends to flow and occupy the lowest possible position. This triangle is known as SHAKTI KONA

The intersection of two geometric forms such as lines, triangles, circles, etc. represents forces that are even more intense than those generated by simple forms. This interpenetration indicates a high level in the interaction of the correspondent energies. The empty spaces generated by such combinations are described powerful fields of the forces emanating from the centeral point of the YANTRA. These very often represents MANTRAS in such spaces.YANTRA and MANTRA are complementary aspects of SHIVA and their use together is much more efficient than the use of one alone.

The Six Points Star,SHATKONAA typical combination often found in the graphical structure of a YANTRA is the superposition of two triangles, one pointing upwards and the other downwards, forming a star with six points SHATKONA, also known as Star of David. This form symbolically represents the union of PURUSHA the immovable masculine energy and PRAKRITI the moving femenine energy or SHIVA-SHAKTI, without which there could be no Creation.
The Circle ,CHAKRA represents air VAYU TATTVA.A simple geometrical shape used in YANTRAS is the circle, representing the rotation, a movement closely linked to the shape of spiral which is fundamental in the Universal evolution. At the same time, the circle represents perfection and the blissful creative void. In the series of the five fundamental elements it represents air Vayu Tattva..
The Square, BHUPURA represents the element earth PRITHIVI TATTVABetween the simple geometry that compose YANTRAS there is also the sqaure BHUPURA. The square is usually the exterior limit of the YANTRA and symbolically, it represents the element earth Prithvi Tattva.
The Lotus, PADMA expresses the absolute force of the Supreme Self.The lotus symbol or its petals is both a symbol of purity and variety, every lotus petal representing a distinct aspect. The inclusion of a lotus in a YANTRA represents freedom from multiple interference with the exterior. This expresses the absolute force of the Supreme Self.
Every YANTRA starts from the center, often marked by a central dot (BINDU) and ends with the outer square. This represents the sense of universal evolution, starting from the subtlest and ending with the coarse, starting from "ether" and ending with "earth". Even though most of the times Yantras are composed of these simple geometrical shapes, sometimes we encounter other elements such as arrow points, tridents, swords, spikes included in the design of a YANTRA with the purpose of representing vectors and directions of action for the Yantric energies.
A Yantra is a very complex instrument in the spiritual practice (Sadhana). It can calm and focus the activities of the mind, and by its positive suggestion it has a benefcial impact on the health and psychic well being of a person. As such Yantra alone represents nothing. Only when it is awakened by mental concentration and meditation will the process of Resonance appear and the benefical Universal Divine energies will manifest themselves in the subtle bodies.
different ways the subtle energies.


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