Sunday, October 29, 2006

What are the benefits of possessing a Yantra or Yantras?

The primary or most important benefit of a Yantra is for spiritual purposes. Purely spiritual Yantras are handed out by gurus to the disciples they believe are at a level of awakened spirituality to deal with the power encased in a Yantra. Such Yantras can only be given by a guru even when they may look similar to an ordinary Yantra.However, Yantras have very great benefits for those who have not yet renounced the world too.Yantras absorb, like spiritual psychic sponges, negative or oppositional energies in the room or house they are placed in. This allows the energies of positive effort to bear fruit.Yantras focus the desires and aspirations and begin transforming the patterns of mind into habits of thought that will bring about the desired results. Since negative and evil desires can never be accomplished by using Yantras, the mental transformations a Yantra initiates always has a spiritual benefit.A Yantra is a colossal focusing mechanism, especially for healing energies rather like crystals, and is thus regularly used to bring about healing and maintaining a state of health and abundance. Health is very often a reflection of the state of your personal relationships and Yantras have a very positive impact on them.Yantras attract prosperity, abundance and most of all good luck. The all-important 'breaks' are more liable to come your way if you have the appropriate Yantras radiating their beneficent energies into your home, than just hoping for the best. Since the easiest understood manifestation of abundance is money, Yantras do indeed help in increasing the inflow of money, but that is only one aspect of abundance. Yantras, because they are active energy systems, are very powerful in deflecting negative energies directed towards you whether they are spells of malice, psychic attacks, or simple jealousy.Yantras help in maintaining an internal harmony, hence one of their unusual uses, the prevention of accidents and thefts. It is a psychological truism that such disasters always happen when one is in a disturbed and unaware state. Some Yantras have been known to subtly alter the energies around you by preventing the further entry of negative energy people into your life. It requires a high level of awareness to see this happening, however.


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