Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ghost Information: What Are Ghosts?

Ghost Information: What Are Ghosts? Fundamental, traditional christianity does not allow at all for the existence of ghosts because of its' fear-based doctrines, which divide mankind - one from another. Teaching both a place of the eternally damned called, "hell," and a place of eternal bliss for the good called, "heaven," the christian religion attempts to place all earthly departed souls in one of these two after-life worlds. Yet, Jesus' message was very different than what is being sold today as truth; religion today being flawed and man-made, in his name. This has created a mis-understanding of ghosts and how they can exist, in light of what many have been taught as impossible. Many ask, "What are ghosts..."If we consider Jesus' message contained in the bible, rather than man's religious ideas created after the passing of his ministry, we should see he taught the realm of spirit (or spiritual world) to co-exist with this physical world. All of us exist in the realm of spirit and that realm is the life-giving force of all - in all and through all that is...and is everywhere. Scripture says, "We live, move and have our being in Him (God)." Call that spirit God: the sum of all the parts, perhaps? In that context, your soul and my soul (and all souls) would be participating in the unseen realm of the spirit (a different dimension) and the physical world we know, at the same time; while we seem to only be able to identify with this physical realm. It is like being in a room with a two-way mirror. We think only those in the same room with us can see our actions, but are not aware of the audience we may have on the other side of the mirror. Hence, I am participating in both worlds, but only aware of the one in which I am able to see. In Hebrews it states, "We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses." This perhaps would explain how others on the other side would be able to see us and speak to us; yet we may not be aware of their presence...yet, they are with us just the same...interacting with this realm at times. Maybe, they feed us some of the thoughts we think, and we think those thoughts and call them our own. Therefore, scripturally speaking, the existence of ghosts and the paranormal manifesting within this earthly realm is quite possible.When we "cross over" to the other side at what we call "death," we leave our attachment from this physical realm by leaving the vehicle (the body with the sensories) that keeps us in the physical world. My theory for the existence of this physical world, is that it is used to individualize each person from the whole (spirit or God). Think of, how a baby after birth, begins to notice itself and stares for long periods at its hands and fingers. Then the baby grows, and the mind and emotions mature, as well. Then perhaps the detachment from this physical world is necessary, as the purpose for it has been completed. The soul - spirit body separates from the physical body by the "silver cord being cut." The silver cord is thought to be the connection between the spirit-soul and the physical body which keeps it animated - for the spirit gives it life. The next step is being freed from mis-thinking created here on earth (guilt, fear, condemnation) and the knowing of truth ("The truth shall set you free.") - learning who we are and the power we have been given to create (but do not yet fully understand...Jesus demonstrated this power for us, in this realm).We will examine different passages of the bible to demonstrate that ghosts or "spirits" are contained in both the new and old testaments. I will also give some speculation as to how different paranormal phenomena possibly line up perfectly with different bible terms and events.As for me, my interest in ghosts and Halloween started when I was a kid. I guess what fascinated me with the supernatural was I wanted to believe that more existed than what I could see with my eyes. Later on as I became an adult, I no longer was allowed to have an interest in ghosts and the paranormal because I had become religious. Religious fear kept me from exploring these ideas I now have, because they are not within fundamental christianity's core tenets which I shall label as "safe zones." The condemnation sent forth from fundamental christians on one who explores an area spiritually that may be different from their beliefs, will usually produce a warning such as, "You better stay clear of that because that could be of the devil." And hence, the seed of fear has been planted again into a free mind. I no longer fear exploring the paranormal because I now know that fear is man-made, not God sent. God is spirit; why not explore God...I accidentally had an out-of-body experience a few years ago that proved to me that we are both a physical body and a spiritual body. As I hovered above my seemingly, lifeless body, it became apparent quite quickly that the spirit and physical realms co-exist...


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