Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Right Mantra for Your Type

Ancient Vedic texts explain that everything is made of sound; sound, or vibration, is the purest form of energy, and sound can certainly move us profoundly. A “mantra” (which means “instrument of the mind“) is a sound made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables that helps us to harness spiritual energy. Chanting or reciting a mantra can give us access to our creative spirit and bring harmony to our minds and bodies, creating wellness and vitality.
Simple Solution:Many of us recite mantras to still our minds and become more peaceful, but the ancient Hindu system of Ayurveda can tell you which mantra is perfect for you. First, take the fun quiz to find out if you are an airy Vata, a fiery Pitta, or an earthy Kapha. Then see which mantra will help achieve your deepest purpose.Find out your dosha, or basic type, by taking The Dosha Quiz.
If you are a Vata, your mantra is Ram (pronounced “Rahm”). Its purpose is to help boost your immune system and alleviate fear and anxiety.
If you are a Pitta, your mantra is Shrim (pronounced “Shreem”). Its purpose is to promote general health and harmony.
If you are a Kapha, your mantra is Hum (pronounced “Hoom”). Its purpose is clearing and stimulating.


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