Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Mystic Masala • About The Shri Yantra

About the Shri Yantra and the Chamunda Mantra
In Ayurveda, we practice holistic healing which works on many levels. We work on healing the mind by purifying our thoughts through mantra, by practicing control over our excessive desires and focusing our goals on helping others, and by being kind and non-judgemental. We also work on healing our body through yoga asanas, nutrition and herbs. Through these practices we ready ourselves for meditation, and ultimate communion with the Divine. As we refine our practice, we notice a shift and allow for more grace to enter our lives.The Shri Yantra is a complex mystic diagram, which contains within itself the energy of the entire cosmos. It is the yantra of the great goddess, imbued with the auric energy of the powerful force of life. Yantras are used to create a pure and potent space for healing and prayer. The shri yantra is powerfully combined with the chamunda mantra, the mantra of the integrated goddesses, Durga, Kali and Saraswati, along with their three elements of air, fire and water (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and the three energy centres or chakras at the head, the navel and the base of the spine. The energy is concentrated at the navel, known as the manipura chakra, where Agni, the fire god resides. This is the seat of Pitta, digestion, the digestive fire. On chanting this mantra while grinding spices, preparing herbs, medicines or foods, that life energy is imbued into the preparation, bringing with it a potency and subtle healing force.


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