Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ghost Story

"One June day, my friend was walking out of a pizza store. His brother and sister ran to the car so they could get front seats. He walked with his mom and dad very slowly. Well, this homeless looking guy appeared in front of them. He looked like he was starving, and he asked for their left-overs! So, they gave him the left-over food. The man said, "Thanks," and walked off. They started walking away, too. My friend felt so good because of that. Well then, he looked over his shoulder a few seconds later, and the man just went up in the air!"-Kaitlyn
"O.K. My name is Ian and my uncle Jake died 5 yrs ago from a heart problem.One night I was in my room at about 10:00 PM reading a book and I heard a noise in my hallway. My mom was in the basement and my dad and sister were in bed; so I got up to see who it was. I saw a dark figure just standing there...then, it looked at me and vanished! The next day when I woke up I realized it was my uncle Jack (because when it looked at me, I saw its face - and it look like my uncle Jack!)."- Ian B. 11 years old


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