Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Gothic Mystery School", 2004

Artist: Devon Bryant / Clear Void Studios

Title: "Gothic Mystery School", 2004

Notes: "I find it fitting to think of my work as you would think about an Indian yantra or a Tibetan mandala. A yantra, stated briefly, is a diagrammatic embodiment of visualized energy. So while my work is filled with symbols, interpreting these symbols is only one level of meaning of my work. The energy embodied within the piece will be felt, regardless of interpretation. The drawings I create are an imprint of my "inner life" as Kandinsky would call it, a nucleus of the visible and knowable.

Much as the Gothic cathedrals were constructed, not as aesthetic objects, but as instruments of religious action; my work is crafted to act on the body and reverberate in the soul. I acquire forms and symbols from a diverse range of religious and spiritual traditions to mentally reinforce this facet. And I engage an ecstatic style that overwhelms the separate self-sense, and causes Spirit to pour through.

As spiritual diagrams, the essence of my work cannot be expressed in mere words or concepts. But it is clearly, yet very tenuously felt upon the viewing of my work. In a space where words fail us, some other language is needed to express subtle realities. My work is like blindly groping in the dark, to uncover the unspoken language, and my art is a record of this journey.


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