Sunday, November 26, 2006

Mangal in Hindu Religion


In Vedic astrology Mars is known as Mangal, Angaraka and Kuja. These names in Sanskrit mean, "auspicious," "burning coal," and "the fair one," respectively . Mars is a malefic. He rules over the two sidereal signs of Aries and Scorpio. He is exalted in Capricorn and fallen in the opposite sign of Cancer. Mars is often depicted as a god with a red body exemplifying the natural color of the astronomical body in the sky.
Kuja is a karaka, or indicator, of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and military endeavors, mechanical ability, engineers and surgeons, commanders and rulers, accidents, violence and war, ambition, strength, arguments and conflict, passion and desire.

Like Surya, the Sun, Mars' most powerful position is in the 10th House. He is a particularly beneficial planet for Cancer or Leo Ascendants. His nature is"pitta," or fiery. His gem is red coral and his direction is south. Mars' day is Tuesday and he reaches full maturity at age 28.

In Vedic mythology Mars appears to have been born of the Earth. Sarva, the archer, represents the element of Earth as the supporter of life. Sarva's wife Vikesi, the disheveled, is the Earth goddess. The Puranic literature of ancient India declares that Angaraka is their son born of the Earth. Mars is further identified with the Kartikeya, the god of war. He is the son of the god Shiva, who was born without Shiva's union with a woman. Kartikeya was born with six heads as the six goddesses of the lunar constellation, Kritika, or the Pleiades, nurtured him. Kartikeya kills the seemingly invincible demon Taraka, and releases the Devas from Taraka's oppression. These myths depict valor, strength and courage, and most fittingly, the protective quality of Mars. Thus, Mars is known as the protector of dharma, the sacred path and purpose in life that each of us follows.

In the Zodiac, Angaraka is regarded as a god of martial character, red in every aspect. Even the Romans held Mars as their Guru. In the Zodiac, ee is the Lord of "Mesha" and "Vrischika." He stays 1 1/2 months in each Rasi taking 18 months to complete the cycle. A prayer to this planet frees one from debts, poverty and illness afflicting the skin. This graha bestows property and conveyance (locomotion). A prayer to Angaraka can restore loss of eyesight. Tuesdays are intended for the worship of Angaraka who loves the chanting of Sama Veda. If one observes the fast on Tuesday for 21 times, the unlucky influence of Tuesday (Mangal) can be got rid of. The legend that depicts the influence of the worship of Mangal goes as follows, and is narrated whenever a worship or offering is made to the deity:

An old woman used to observe fast on every Tuesday. Her son was named Mangaliya. The deity Mangal, in the disguise of a Brahmin, came and said to her, "I am hungry. I shall prepare my own food, but you must plaster the ground with cow-dung."

The woman said, "Today is a Tuesday; I do not plaster cow-dung on this day. I shall sprinkle water and you can preparethe food."

The Brahmin said, "I shall only cook on a cow-dung plastered surface."

The woman refused and said that she could do anything else except cow-dung plaster."

The Brahmin said, "Let your son lie upside down, I shall cook on his back."

After some thought, the woman agreed to this and called her son. The disguised Mangal lit the furnace on the son's back and cooked food. After cooking, the Brahmin asked the woman to call her son so that he could take the auspicious food. The woman, in grief, asked why he made jokes, for after cooking on her son's back, he must have died. The Brahmin insisted that she call to her son. She did so, and the son came running.

The Brahmin said, "Old woman, your fast is successful. With kindness, your mind is also full of devotion and faith. May you be ever happy." Then Mangal in disguise disappeared.

The Mangal Yantra
A Yantra is an instrument, a talisman, or a mystical diagram usually in copper. It is a technique or path, considered the simplest and shortest, through which one can attain one's desires, and fulfill one's wishes. It is said that the Deities reside in the yantras and by performing "Puja," or worship of Yantras, one can appease them, remove the malefic effects of planets, and increase the flow of positive influences.

The Mangal Yantra brings luck in business and good health. It is very powerful and gives quick results. This Yantra spells general well-being, good fortune, and prosperity for the whole family. It also frees the person from debts, offers protection from accidents, cures diseases and anger, and ensures quick recovery from surgery and illness. In the case of any grave problem or severe disease, the Yantra should be worshipped daily for quick relief. It ensures cosmic blessings of the Deities. This Yantra is also used where there is delayed marriage because of position of mars in the chart.

Shri Mangal Yantra is worshipped by keeping fast for 21 Tuesdays continuously according to rituals. Men and women who are deprived of marriage even up to 30 to 40 years due to certain obstacles, or from whom married life is full of miseries and difficulties, bickering, or threatened seperation or divorce, should worship Mangal Yantra toward off the above evils.

When Mars is malefic or one is of rash temperament, Mangal Yantra is extremely useful. It overcomes one's enemies, and gives protection from the effects of poisonous articles. Mangal Yantra shall be kept on Teursdays of the rising moon. Mangal Yantra removes evil effects of Mars such as injury, accident, et cetera. Those who are suffering from high blood pressure and those whose Mars is placed in the First, Fourth , Seventh, or Tenth Houses shall keep this Yantra at their homes or with themselves to ward off the evil effects of planet Mars on them.

Also, the Mangal Yantra works remarkably in case of abortions and the denial of children; when one remains in debt and is not capable of repayment inspite of honest intentions, rather debt increases, making the life hell; all these difficulties can be overcomed by the worship of Mangal Yantra.

Shri Mangal Yantra helps the worshiper to overcome the above difficulties, and one succeeds in all his efforts to gain desires and lead a comfortalbe life. Mangal Yantra is made on copper with gold polish.


A song of praise to Angaraka
composed by Muthuswamy Dikshita

I take refuge in Angaraka, who is like the divine Mandara tree to his humble devotees; who is the presiding deity of Tuesday, and the son of earth.

Who is the Lord of the cherished Mesha and Vrischika (the signs of the Zodiac, Aries & Scorpio); who has a reddish glow, wears a red dress and bears a sword and a trident; the auspicious one, with a beautiful neck, with lovely feet, the bestower of blessings, who rides on a goat, and whose highest apogee is the Makara Rasi (Capricorn).

He who is worshipped by gods and demons alike; has a beaming and smiling face; bestower of wealth of lands and brotherhood, possessed of red eyes, protector of the afflicted, worshipped in the temple of Vaidyanatha; favoured by the three groups of divine teachers such as Divyaugha, Siddhauga and Manavaugha in the Srichakra worship and Guruguha; who is the friend of Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon) and Brhaspati (Jupiter); who shines with his good wife, his hands resting on his knees, possessed of four arms,and extraordinary in many ways.


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