Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Sri Yantra becomes a living
symbol within you when the six chakras, or centers of spiritual
power in the human body awaken through the Kundalini shakti
energy at the base of the spine, ascending through each of the
chakras to the crown chakra, where enlightenment blazes forth.

At this point, the outer symbol is no longer
needed as a focus of meditative attention because you embody and
are fully awakened to the truth represented by this symbol. This
realization is the culmination of the inner journey-awakening to
your divinity or god/goddess head.

It is possible to become the master of the entire
You have that potential within you, but you
must work. Actually, you are already the Lord of the universe.
You are the emperor of the entire world, but you are dreaming
that you are a beggar who has to beg for food. The moment you
stop dreaming, the moment you realize that the present so-called
waking state is, in fact, a dream, you will realize that you are
the Lord of the universe, and you will awaken to
Amritanandamayi Devi

When thine eye is single, thy whole body also is
full of light. ... Take heed therefore that the light which
is in thee be not darkness.

Luke 11:34–35

Once you turn the light around,
everything in the world is turned around.The light rays are
concentrated upward into the eyes; this is the great key of
the human body. You should reflect on this. If you do not
sit quietly each day, this light flows and whirls, stopping
who knows where. If you can sit quietly for a while, all
time-ten thousand ages, a thousand lifetimes—is penetrated
from this. All phenomena revert to stillness. Truly
inconceivable is this sublime truth.
of the Golden Flower

From the body of the unborn essence
(Consciousness) arises the sphere of light, and from that
sphere of light arises wisdom. From the wisdom arises the
seed syllable and from the seed syllable arises the complete
Mandala, the deity and the retinue.
Wangyal Rinpoche

That incomprehensible, omnipresent,
transcendent Divine Radiance, that illumines the All-Mind,
and glows in the heart of all living things, is the Clear
Light. In its glory the Bodhic Path ends.

Seven Books of
Wisdom of the Great Path

Apart from thought, there is no independent
called “world.” Just as the spider emits
the thread (of the web) out of itself and then withdraws it,
likewise, the mind projects the world out of itself and then
withdraws it back into itself

Thought is the primary energy and vibration
that emanated from God and is thus the creator of life,
electrons, atoms, and all forms of energy

Creation is a continual process of Divine
made manifest. Starting from ultimate
potential and possibility, creation flows down through four
levels of reality: spiritual, mental, emotional, and
physical. Jewish tradition teaches that we are made in the
image of the Divine (tzelem Elohim), eternal Divine essence
that condenses into human form. Our task is to remember our
true Selves as vibrations of Divine light. Just as God
created the world through speech—energy vibrations in the
forms of sound, light, and color—we are Divine co-creators,
continuing the creation process through our thoughts, words,
and actions. Individually and collectively, we are
responsible for the world we create.

Jennifer Judelsohn

I was seeing in a sacred manner the
shape of all things in the Spirit, and the Shape of all
Shapes as they must live together like one being and I saw
that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that
made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in
the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all the
children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was

Particular symbols, or even particular
of universal symbols, differ
according to the various traditions. They are sensible or
intelligible forms consecrated by God through revelation to
become vehicles of Divine Grace. In Sufism, universal
metaphysical symbols … stem from the Quran, the Word. … The
Word is both a sound and a light, for the light is the
meaning of the Word.
Bakhtiar, Sufi: Expressions of the Mystic Quest

For the shape of the world exists
in the knowledge of the true Love
which is God: constantly circling, wonderful for human
nature, and such that it is not consumed by age and cannot
be increased by anything new . . . in its workings the
Godhead is like a wheel, a whole. In no way is it to be
divided because the Godhead has neither beginning nor end.
of Bingen

I had to abandon the idea of the
superordinate position of the ego. ... I saw that
everything, all paths I had been following, all steps I had
taken, were leading back to a single point -- namely, to the
mid-point. It became increasingly plain to me that the
mandala is the centre. It is the exponent of all paths. It
is the path to the centre, to individuation.... I knew that
in finding the mandala as an expression of the self I had
attained what was for me the ultimate.

C. G. Jung

Our Being is a brilliant pattern of energies:
a spectrum of possibilities. The mystic discovers symbols. .
. Symbols are windows through which we can view the
Essential Nature of our Being.

A human being is a part of the whole
called by us “the universe,” a part limited in time and
space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as
something separate from the rest-a kind of optical delusion
of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of a prison
for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection
for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free
ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of
understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures
and the whole of nature in its beauty.


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