Thursday, December 07, 2006

Art Of Magic Yantra

Atomic Art / Magic Squares

Magic Squares are ancient boxes of numbers whose sums of rows, columns
and diagonals all add up to the same sum. This matrix represents Perfect
Equality in all directions or dimensions.

Elegant or aesthetically pleasing patterns can be created when a long,
continuous line is joined in arithmetical order from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 etc.
to the last number. This is how Mathematics is transformed into Art.

Lines connecting consecutive or sequential numbers is the backdoor into
the world of Atomic Art or Nuclear Geometry. Atomic structures are
scientifically verified as order is created out of chaos.

translating the numbers in mystical squares, the Ancients discovered internal
symmetry and harmonies that lay hidden within the chaos...

The ancient Magic Square of 3 x

(also known as the ‘Lo-Shu’ in ancient China, C17th BC) is the centre of the
Tibetan Calendar/Cosmology. It is a timeless mathematical harmonic whose sums of
the columns, rows and diagonals all add up to and vibrate to 15. Symbolically
this Magic Square creates Order amidst Chaos, and Equality in All Dimensions.

Jain has
authored 4 books on this subject which translates Numbers into Art, by merely
connecting the first number (1) to the last number (9). This is the Path of
Least Resistance. Exquisite Atomic Art patterns are created that are inherently
encoded with much Ancient Knowledge.

When you
translate numbers into ArtÂ…
elegant and phi-ratioed patterns appear.
Hidden atomic structures
are revealed which are often symbolic of life’s journey.

By drawing a
long connecting line from 1 to 2 to 3 etc to the last number, then tiled or
tessellated, you will produce
the atomic structure of
(which is verified by the clairvoyant drawings of the Occult
Leadbeater and Annie Besant

Jain will show you how to
create complex and intricate atomic art from numbers in a magic square.

“Since the
early 90's I have been reading your book (s) and learning through my own
research into sacred geometry, squares and the like. Your books have really
opened my mindÂ… for this I am eternally thankful." .

Trance, Melbourne, Australia.

The Joining-Of-The-Dots, as shown in Jain's books, to make patterns or Yantra
(Sanskrit for Power Designs or Sacred Art) integrates the Left Brain realm of
Mathematics, logic, male, linear... with the female Right Brain domain of colour,
creativity and intuition. This can produce whole-brain accelerated learning and
clear Remembrance of who we really are.

Like Snowflakes, millions of Magic Squares
can be created.

Many sacred symbols emerge when the original Magic Square Pattern or Yantram
(singular of Yantra which is the plural) is rotated upon itself. Like
snowflakes, millions of Magic Squares can be created. There are 8 permutations
of the primal 3x3 Magic Square known also as The Lo-Shu from China 4,000 years
ago. There are 880 permutations of the 4x4 Magic Square, but as we get to the
5x5s and 6x6s there are millions! Mathematics is a Universal Language. That
means that it will always exist, without decay or corruption.

Numerologically, these Magic Sums of 15, 34, 65, 175 and 260 etc equate with
the many names of the Gods and Goddesses in Qaballahistic lore.

6 1 8

7 5 3

2 9 4

Many people know of the Magic Square of 3x3 as an ancient playing-card
puzzle, the task being to arrange all 9 cards into a 3x3 square in such a way
that the sums of the 3 columns, 3 rows and 2 diagonals all equal 15. This
fascinating production explores the Magic of the Magic Square of 3x3 and truly
downloads all there is to know in a true Keanu Reeves/Matrix-like style... just
by sitting in the comfort of your chair.

If you never understood the true meaning and depth of Pythagoras' work 2,500
years ago, this mathematically-based ceremony will not only educate, but leave
you enchanted.


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