Sunday, February 11, 2007

how to remove black magic problem

Black Magic, Evil Spirits, Curses, Ghosts and spells

Black magic is the negative use of energies and power by the Evil and wicked humans in this age which is also known as Kali Yuga. The main purpose in these peoples lives is to harm or destroy others. They can also influence them to do wrong or negative things. It is the evil side of the celestial cycle or dark energies.
Black Magic can be used to harm or hurt people by performing rituals anywhere in the world - the effect of this ritual can be felt many thousands of miles away. With increase of jealousy, frustration, greed, selfishness, negativity and inability to accept others happiness & growth, the use of Black magic has become the most common way to harm and hurt people. This problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. Many prosperous and happy families are ruined by Black magic.

Symptoms of Black Magic

Black magic puts a block on a person's wisdom and intelligence and all efforts to solve the problem go fruitless. One feels a mental block, gets disturbed sleep with bad dreams, and negative thoughts. The person or persons might do something or go through many actions and cannot give reason why they have done what they did. There is no reasoning behind their actions. They will get angry without reason or justifications with people they love and care for.

These people on whom the black magic spell is put will feel that they are not getting their due and can achieve much more. They will feel suffocated & restless in all circumstances. They are never at peace and they will remain depressed, with lack of enthusiasm or desire to live & rise in life.

Effects of Black Magic

Black Magic can really play havoc with the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity, creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias, adversely affecting children & family, creating chronic health problems, destroying mental peace, intelligence & happiness, cause inner turmoil, unrest & uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances.
Black Magic not only affects the circumstances and future prospects of a person, but also deprives him materially of everything he was destined for, but also affects the psyche of the victim in such a way that he loses the willpower & mental energy to get out of the dark situation he is in, and has no desire to live or rise in life.
The effects of Black Magic become more chronic, dangerous and fatal with time, if untreated, like a horrible disease. It starts spreading like a contagious disease, affecting the person's mind, brain, body, relationships, attitudes, work, money, marriage, career and everything in life.
Breaking or reversing Black Magic Spell
Putting a Black magic spell on someone is very easy for those knowing even a little bit of Tantrik siddhis/ voodoo. But to remove the spell and eliminate it's sinister effects needs lot of expertise, continuous & rigorous pooja/worship and a combination Siddhis & Sadhna.
Free SpellsBreak Spells, Curses, Relationships, etc...
TO BREAK THE POWERS OF A SPELLYou Need: black candle, water and a black bowlPlace the candle into the black bowl, fix the candle to the bowl using the waxdrippings from the candle so that it stands alone.Fill the bowl to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the wick.Breathe deeply and meditate for a few minutes.When your mind is clear, light the candle.Visualize the power the spell cast against you as living within the candles flame.As the candle burns down, it will sputter and go out as it touches the water.As it is extinguished by the water, the spell is broken.Finally, dig a hole into the ground, pour the water into it, then bury the candle.

A SPELL TO REMOVE CURSES FROM YOURSELFlight 1 pink candle, 1 green, and a black candle.Be sure that nobody else can see you (close all curtains, doors, windows, etc.)Now, get a bowl full of water and put 3 drops of green dye in it.Now that you've done that, slowly tip the bowl over each candle allowing them to beextinguished while at the same time chanting:"Juina Shelt Fonsed."You must do this very slowly and imagine the spell being lifted from your body and all thegood luck and fortune that will soon come to you and the evil that will go to the personthat placed the hex/curse upon you.
TO REMOVE A HEX / REVERSE A JINXED CONDITIONAlthough it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen.Also, it is important to note that the mind has a verypowerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you are...This spell will remove any hexed or jinxed condition, whether real or imagined.Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material.Stuff the poppet with vetivert herb, and place on your altar.Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint (Go here to learn anointing) thecandle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli, but there are other formulations onthe market, such as uncrossing oil, or go away oil which will work just fine).Visualize as strongly as possible the hex upon you...feel its power and the strength it hashad over you...Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the poppet, whilestrongly visualizing the hex/jinxed condition being broken. Put as much feeling andemotion into this process as relax...allow the candle to burn down completely.It is finished...the hex is mote it be.
TO REMOVE A HEX / REVERSE A JINXED CONDITIONAlthough it is relatively rare that someone is truly hexed, it does happen.Also, it is important to note that the mind has a verypowerful effect on the body, so if you believe yourself to be hexed, in effect, you are...This spell will remove any hexed or jinxed condition, whether real or imagined.Fashion a poppet out of white felt or other white material.Stuff the poppet with vetivert herb, and place on your altar.Inscribe your name on a purple candle and anoint (Go here to learn anointing) thecandle with an appropriate oil (I use patchouli, but there are other formulations onthe market, such as uncrossing oil, or go away oil which will work just fine).Visualize as strongly as possible the hex upon you...feel its power and the strength it hashad over you...Now take a handful of garlic powder and sprinkle it over the poppet, whilestrongly visualizing the hex/jinxed condition being broken. Put as much feeling andemotion into this process as possible. Relax. Allow the candle to burn down completely.It is finished...the hex is mote it be.
TO UNDO A SPELLTime: After Midnight any night, waning moonIncense: benzoin Herb: angelicaAnoint candles with rosemary oil use white candles as many as you like.You Need: one bead from a necklace you own (preferably a pearl-faux or not)A small patch of black cloth, some string for tying. Incantation:"I cast a spell asking , I now ask the favor of having the spell removed.I understand to take back a spell means giving up something of my own to show my spiritis true and my intentions are good, I give this pearl/bead from a necklace I own.I transfer the spell into the and render the spell dormant.No harm may come from the cancellation of this spell.No further power shall it have. This is my will -so be it."Place the pearl/bead in the black cloth - add your angelica herbs -tie up tightly in the string until you have wrapped the pearl/bead entirely in the cloth.Dribble a bit of wax from the candles on your final knot you tie andThen throw the small package away far from your home. Close circle and give thanks.
BREAKING A LOVE CURSEIf you think you have been cursed, and that is why you are unlucky in love,you need to make a supplication to Aphrodite, asking her to intervene.This supplication should be done on a Thursday evening at dusk.Light 1purple candle and 1 pink one. Burn 7 pine needles in a bowl or brazier.Offer the goddess three red roses, 1 for each stage of a woman's life (Maiden, Mother and Crone).Then ask her to bless you in love and to break any curse that may exist.Pour your heart out to her. Ask forgiveness for any and every thing you have everdone to hurt another who loved you. Offer to make amends by doing something in Aphrodite's name.Make a commitment to showering your future partners with love and romance.Vow never to be unfaithful, etc. Be respectful when addressing Aphrodite and be honest.Do not make empty promises or break the ones you make. If you say you will do something, do it.If you do not, you may not like the result. There is no spell for this one, no incantation.You simply speak from the heart and if you are sincere, she will answer.Aphrodite can be a generous, loving goddess, guiding us towards bliss.Or she can be a vengeful harridan.Be warned, if the reason you are "unlucky" is because you have been unfaithful, abusive,cruel, or otherwise wasteful of Love's gifts, you will face her wrath unless you agreeto immediately change your ways, and then do so.
SENDING BAD STUFF AWAYTo the Goddess, I do prayGrant me power, strength to flayThis one's curseWith these words, I hold thee at bay.
A SPELL TO BREAK THE POWER OF A SPELLIf you believe a spell has been cast against you, place a large Black candle in a cauldron(or a Large Black Bowl). The candle must be tall enough to extend a few inches above thecauldrons rim. Affix the candle to the bottom of the cauldron with warmed beeswax or thedrippings of another black candle so that the candle will not tip over.Fill the cauldron to the rim with fresh water, without wetting the candle's wick.An inch or two of the candle should remain above the water.Deep breathe, meditate, clear you mind, and light the candle.Visualize the suspected spell's power as residing within the candle's flame.Sit in quiet contemplation of the candle and visualize the power flowing and growingwith the candle's flame (yes, the power against you). As the candle burns down, its flamewill eventually sputter and go out as it contacts the water.As soon as the flame has been extinguished by the water. the spell will be dispersed.Break your visualization of the spell's power: see it explode into dust, becoming impotent.Pour the water into a hole in the ground, a lake or stream. Bury the candle.
BREAKING A BINDING SPELLSome binding spells can cause physical manifestations.You feel as if invisible strands of hair or thin strings are wrapped around you.You can't see them but you can feel them and nothing you do can make that sensation stop.Here is a way to dispel a binding.Cut a bit of your own hair and set it in a small bowl.Light 3 candles, 1 red, 1 white and 1 green. In a fire safe bowl or incense brazier, light apiece of charcoal and add some myrrh, patchouli and sandalwood incense (powdered kindnot cone or stick). Take a sterile needle or pin and prick your right index finger.Squeeze three drops of blood into the smoldering incense.As you drop the hair onto the lit incense repeat these words:With blood, candle and scent times threeNo longer shall this binding beFree to live and free to soarLet me leave the house once more.As I burn this hair, a part of meLet my heart and soul be free!And for those who doth cast despairBinding me with sightless hairI send to them this well-earned curseLet their evil spell reverse!Teach them mercy and love's sweet giftOnce learned, this simple spell shall lift.As is my will, so mote it be!Let the incense burn out and scatter the ashes outside.Lifting the binding spell should take care of the problem. Keep an eye on those around you.Someone who wished you ill will start to experience the torment they put you through.Once they understand that what they did was wrong, then the sensation will fadeand they will be back to normal.
TO UNDO A LOVE SPELLYou need:Picture of both parties together or write the names on a piece of paperA burning dishCut the paper between the two of you and say:As I cut their tie let the bond between them be broken.Burn both halves of the paper apart. Say:As I burn the tie let the bond be ever severed. So Mote it be!Thank the deities and dismiss the circle if you have used one.Bury or scatter the ashes.
TO REVERSE SPELLS CAST WITH CANDLE MAGICKLight two black candles and chant:In the name of the Gods and all ye SpiritsIn the name of Kernunnos and the light and the darkAnd the Gods of the NetherworldAnd whosoever shall be casting a curse against meLet them suffer their own curseLet these candles be their candlesThis burning be their burningThis curse be their curseLet the pain they have caused me and mineFall upon themselvesDo this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each nightchant the spell until the candles are spent.


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