Thursday, November 23, 2006

Black Magic Spells And Other Spells

On the pages and scrolls which you are about to read lay a hundred spells which have been used since before recorded time. Although most of these spells, when cast correctly will not have any harmful long term effects, there are some spells which exist which should be used only under strong caution.

The main menu of spell disciplines is to your left. Once you choose your discipline you will be asked to choose a spell category and from that category asked to choose a spell. Choose the spell you wish and the casting directions and ingredients (if any) will appear.

At any time if you get lost in these pages the links on the left will guide you back to this page.

Use these spells at your own risk, some could have bad consequences if cast incorrectly.
Life Spells
All these spells deal with aspects of life. Specifically life in a family and a career sort of way.

Since these spells all deal with the fundamentals of a person's life these are all long term spells. This means you will not see results today or tomorrow, but they will come, if the spells are cast correctly.

These spells are very much like the Beauty Spells where you must cast only the spell which is right for you. Casting the wrong one may have undesired effects, and casting more then one may cancel some, but not all effects of the first spell. You must always be sure to undo spells properly instead of trying to cast a new spell to fix an old one.
Job Spells
Job spells are actually a subset of the Luck Spells which focus on a very specific area of luck, your job, or the job of someone else.

Generally these spells work by focusing the energies around someone (commonly known as an aura) so that they are perceived as more or less competent by their boss, and this get a raise or get fired.

These spells can not be reversed, and they do not last long, and there are usually no side effects or negative concequiences from casting them incorrectly.
Truth Spells
Truth spells are fun spells to play with. With them you can find out the absolute truth from someone, or make them lie completely.

When miss-cast these spells will often backfire upon the caster, causing them to speak nothing but lies, or worse yet, nothing but the truth.
Memory Spells
A memory spell may be used to increase your general memory, or weaken it, or you may choose to cast the spell on someone else.

Memory spells may also be used to remember a specific moment in time, or forget one if you so wish.

A warning though, our memories are what make us who we are, they are as much of our future as anything else. By removing memories you remove a world of possibilities.
Success Spells
Success Spells are special Good Luck Spells in their basic sence. However, unlike most luck spells, these spells take a long long time to wear out.

These spells can not be reversed by magic, unless it is the original caster of the spell which attempts to reverse it. Therefore the destroy success spell is only useful on spells you cast yourself.
Confidence Spells
These spells build and destory confidence.

Need a boost of confidence to make take that next step? Or is someone too cocky and its time to destroy their confidence for a little while? These spells will help.

However, these spells do come at a price. They must be cast exactly as stated. Any mistakes can destroy what little confidence there is, or worse....

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