Friday, November 24, 2006


Yantra problem help!...thanks in advance

Greetings!. I was given a Yantra for a gift from a friend who visited India. They said the Yantra was probably not blessed/puja. I found some information that explained how to perform your own little puja for the Yantra. I put it by my picture. The picture faces southeast I'm not sure it that is good for this planetary yantra. I did this before I found out that its supposed to be blessed/puja by qualified people who go through a whole ceremony to energize yantras. I do not have a place nearby to go get it pujed. I am afraid to use it now.. I read that the effects can be adverse or lacking if not energized properly. Do I dispose of it, if so how?. I read that one should put it in a yellow cloth and let it out to the sea?. Should I still keep it...if so how can I know if any true effect or improvement has taken place. Since I've had it nothing spectacular has happened in 6 months..maybe because it was not officially puja. What do I do with this Yantra at this point?.Thanksgola.


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